Supporting Conservative Causes ~ Good Governance ~ Grassroots

Supporting Conservative Causes ~ Good Governance ~ Grassroots

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Fighting For Conservative Causes

Fully engaged in the efforts to make our Texas House members more responsive to we, the grassroots Constitutional ​Conservative activists. Our elected officials need to know we expect action on Republican Party of Texas (RPT) Legislative ​Priorities. We must continue our efforts to get the Speaker elected by the Republican caucus, rather than a coalition of ​Democrats and the most moderate Republican representatives. The appointment of Democrats to important House ​Committee Chairmanships is a practice that needs to be terminated. Let our tax money follow the child; we need ​comprehensive school choice for all. We need to close: 1) the loopholes permitting election fraud and 2) our porous ​southern border 3) open Republican primaries. Let’s bring an end to the sexualization of Texas children in our public ​schools and woke Marxist curriculum. Competition works in business; it will work in education.

Fully engaged in the efforts to make our Texas House members more responsive to we, the grassroots Constitutional ​Conservative activists. Our elected officials need to know we expect action on Republican Party of Texas (RPT) Legislative ​Priorities. We must continue our efforts to get the Speaker elected by the Republican caucus, rather than a coalition of ​Democrats and the most moderate Republican representatives. The appointment of Democrats to important House ​Committee Chairmanships is a practice that needs to be terminated. Let our tax money follow the child; we need ​comprehensive school choice for all. We need to close: 1) the loopholes permitting election fraud and 2) our porous ​southern border 3) open Republican primaries. Let’s bring an end to the sexualization of Texas children in our public ​schools and woke Marxist curriculum. Competition works in business; it will work in education.

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Conservative Christian

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Experienced Grassroots Activist

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Effective Communicator

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Small Business Owner

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Harris County Republican Party Involvement

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Republican Party of Texas Involvement

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Sponso​red RPT Fundraising events

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RPT Officials Committee (board of directors)

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Fiscal Responsibility & Transparency

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America First Doctrine

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I humbly ask that you re-elect me to continue my service as your SD7 State Republican ​​Executive Committeewoman. It has been an honor to represent Senate District 7. During ​this time, I have worked diligently on the Election Integrity, ​Candidate Resource, ​Legislative Priorities, Local Government, Candidate Recruitment, and the Officials ​Committees. I was singled out for my activism in lobbying ​Representatives and Senators ​for the Republican Party of Texas Legislative Priorities. ​This led to an honorary ​Chairman’s appointment to the Legislative Priorities ​Committee of the SREC.

Additionally, I have been further honored with the appointment by Chairman Matt Rinaldi ​​to serve in one of five Chair positions of the 2022 RPT State Convention as Chairman of ​​the Organization Committee.

As a a proud mother of three young men, all Aggie graduates, a small business owner of ​​an independent insurance agency since 1984, and a grassroots activist we work to ​​achieve conservative agendas. After being single for 21 years, I met my love and fellow ​​Constitutional conservative, Ralph Fite.

Unable to sit silently and watch the deterioration of our country under Barack Obama, in ​​2009, I attended the major Tea Party Tax Day Rally in downtown Houston. There, I met ​​Catherine Engelbrecht. This led to the formation of a citizen-led group, True the Vote, ​​seeking to restore honor and integrity to our electoral process.

We are in shocking times. This is no longer about party affiliation; it is about good ​versus ​evil. We are at war with evil, and our children are being targeted. God has a side, ​and we ​need to get on it!

COPYRIGHT © 2024 Pol. Ad Paid for by Deborah Fite


  • Officials Committee
  • Local Government Committee
  • Candidate Recruitment Committee
  • Legislative Priorities Committee
  • Candidate Resource Committee
  • Election Integrity Committee
  • True The Vote (Board of Directors)


Legislative Priority Actions

Deborah Fite - ​Chairman of the ​Organization ​Committee

2022 RPT State ​Convention

As your Chairman of the Organization Committee to the 2022 GOP State Convention, I opened ​the convention by stating:

“Welcome to the largest gathering of Republicans in the Nation! Texas is a grassroots-driven ​organization. Unlike other State Republican Parties, we govern from the bottom up. Thank you for ​being here, so we can keep it that way!”

The 2024 Primary sent a shockwave through Austin. We unseated 9 incumbents that were not ​voting the will of "we the people." And we have 8 Constitutional Conservatives in runoffs to ​replace Establishment Incumbents.

I am part of the grassroots, and I appreciate all the hard work that you are laying out in attending ​the 2024 RPT Convention. Without you, none of what we do in Austin matters. It takes the ​grassroots to fight the corruption, the fraud, and the intent that we see from the establishment ​and the Democrats. Thank you for all the phone calls, emails, and personal visits to the capital to ​testify. Your activism matters! We can do this together; I cannot do it without you.

I humbly ask that you re-elect me to continue my service as your SD7 SREC Committeewoman.

Deborah Fite

SD 7 SREC Committeewoman

Chairman of the Organization Committee to the 2022 RPT State Convention

Prior Term of SREC Service:

• Legislative Priority Committee

• Election Integrity Committee

• Candidate Resource Committee

Current Committees :

• Officials Committee

• Local Government Committee

• Candidate Recruitment Committee

2016 Delegate to the National Convention, representing Texas

In 2016, I traveled with and served as Strike Force Director for Ted Cruz ​Presidential Campaign in over 6 States. In that role I, recruited 1,000’s of ​volunteers to stay in housing across the U.S. coordinating phone banking, ​block walking, rallies & town halls.

Deborah Fite with Ted Cruz at the moment Ted learned he ​was going to be in a runoff for U.S Senate seat in 2012

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Legislative Priority Actions


“To say that you can choose between your career or a vaccine is not ​a choice. It’s force, and force is the opposite of freedom.” Briscoe ​Cain

On October 7, 2021, together with Jennifer Bridges, a nurse fired from ​Methodist Hospital for refusal to take the “COVID shot”, Dawn ​Richardson, Director of NVIC, and I organized a Press Conference at ​the Capitol in opposition to vaccine mandates. We were joined by 8 ​State Legislators, RPT officials, and other activists.

The following day Governor Abbott signed an Executive Order ​banning “Employer Mandated Vaccines”. Unfortunately, Executive ​Orders are not adequate in protecting our freedom. We urgently need ​strong legislation to protect our rights of Medical Choice.

Deborah Fite, along with 8 State Legislators, joined in a press ​conference advocating for medical freedoms including fighting the ​vaccine mandates.


With the passing of the Texas Anti-Abortion Bill, Planned Parenthood has ​lost its primary source of income. They have now changed their business ​model to include butchering minors by modifying their gender. As the ​fight to protect children in Texas continues, more than 60 major “woke” ​corporations have signed the Human Rights Campaign urging Texas ​politicians to abandon laws that would prevent these disfiguring ​procedures, including cutting off healthy breasts of adolescent girls and ​chemically and surgically castrating young boys.


We have watched, far too long, the erosion of our vote from fake ballots, ​illegal votes, and double counts. As a member of this committee, ​Deborah:

  • Lobbied for the Election Integrity Bill, placing more checks and ​balances on our elections. Efforts are still needed for stronger ​penalties and to strengthen restrictions on unrequested mail ballots.
  • Helped in Harris County elections by placing judges, alternate judges, ​and clerks in the most heavily Democrat polling locations.
  • In the next session, she plans to address the debacle of the March ​2022 Primary Election that was a new form of voter fraud, ​“Incompetency by Design.”

COPYRIGHT © 2024 Pol. Ad Paid for by Deborah Fite

Deborah Fite - Activism & Business

Catherine Englebrecht

President - True The Vote

In 2010, unable to silently watch the deterioration of our country under Obama, I attended a Tax Day ​Rally where I met Catherine Englebrecht. This led to the formation of a citizen lead group, True the ​Vote. In our humble beginnings, we headquartered in a low-rent strip center, between a Smoke and ​Toke and a Tattoo Parlor. With perseverance and determination, True the Vote grew into a National ​organization seeking to restore honor and integrity to our electoral process.

I was chosen to serve on the Board of Directors of True the Vote. In that role, I was directly involved in ​setting policy and direction for the organization during a very difficult time. We became the target of ​Obama’s IRS under Lois Lerner. Back then, there was a long line of Democrats suing us.

Why does this matter for an SREC member serving on the Officials Committee? Because the Officials ​Committee is nothing other than the Board of Directors of the Republican Party of Texas. And I have ​actually already had experience as a Board Member of an organization under constant attack by ​political entities on a national level. The Officials Committee helps set policy, governance, and ​guidelines by which the RPT operates. With my previous trial by fire on the Board of an organization in ​the middle of a political tempest, I have not had a steep learning curve to be an affective board ​member.

I am seeking to be re-elected to the SREC and continue my appointment on the Officials Committee.

The Texas Insurance Lady

In 2013, I found a way to integrate my career with my concerns about the ​Affordable Care Act. As the owner of an insurance agency marketing HR ​Benefits, I hosted a talk radio show on KTRH on everything you wished you did ​not know about Obama Care. Known as the “Texas Insurance Lady,” I covered ​all of Texas, Louisiana, and half of Oklahoma. How does this relate to the ​Officials Committee? One of the primary duties of the Officials Committee is ​analyzing contracts. There may not be a more complex contract than the waist-​high Affordable Care Act.

Deborah Fite KTRH Talk Show Host

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Deborah Fite - Family & Business

Deborah Fite with with her family

I am a proud mother of three boys, all Aggie graduates, a small business ​owner of an independent insurance agency since 1984, and a grassroots ​activist. After being single for 21 years, I met my love and fellow ​Constitutional conservative, Ralph Fite.

My husband and I regularly attend Glorious Way Church and strive to keep ​Christ at the center of our lives.

We are in shocking times. This is no longer about party affiliation; it is ​about good versus evil. We are at war with evil, and our children are being ​targeted. God has a side, and we need to get on it!

Partners Wealth Management Group

COPYRIGHT © 2024 Pol. Ad Paid for by Deborah Fite


“As Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, I’ve witnessed Deborah Fite effectively and consistently advocate for RPT to chart a bold, conservative direction for our ​party. Deborah and her husband held a successful fundraiser that benefited the Republican Party of Texas. I trust her integrity, leadership, and willingness to fight for ​conservative values. I strongly endorse Deborah for reelection to SD7 SREC Committeewoman.”

Matt Rinaldi, Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas

“Deborah Fite has been a great asset to the body of the State Republican Executive Committee. She consistently works to protect our platform, conservative principles, ​and Christian values.”

Dr. Robin Armstrong, Republican Party of Texas National Committeeman

“Deborah Fite has my endorsement for re-election to the SREC. As the SREC Secretary, I have had the pleasure of seeing Deborah represent SD7 in SREC meetings and ​committees these past four years. She brings conservative principles and heartfelt energy to all her political activities. As a fellow member of the Republican Party of ​Texas’ Candidate Resource Committee, I have seen Deborah work tirelessly to raise money to help our Republican down ballot nominees across the state get the support ​they need to win. She also strives to turn our grassroots Platform into concrete legislative successes. My neighbors next door in SD7 are fortunate to have Deborah ​representing you at the Republican Party of Texas.”

Vergel Cruz, Secretary of the Republican Party of Texas, Former SREC SD15

“You have my full endorsement! I’m proud to endorse Deborah Fite for SREC SD7. She is a conservative fighter who works tirelessly to put Christian conservative values ​into action for the Republican Party and our state.”

Senator Mayes Middleton, Texas State District 11

“Deborah is a proven grassroots conservative who is an effective advocate for our values at the Legislature. She works tirelessly to support critical legislation, and I look ​forward to working with her during the 89th legislative session to continue our conservative victories in Austin. I enthusiastically endorse Deborah Fite for re-election as ​our SREC Committeewoman for Senate District 7.”

Dr. Tom Oliverson, State Representative HD 130, Nominee for Texas Speaker of the House

“Deborah Fite has richly proven her abilities during her two terms representing us on the SREC. She is an effective fighter for conservative values and is an amazingly hard ​worker on all battle fronts that we face. She never backs away from a fight. She has clearly earned my vote, and I trust, yours.”

Mark S. Ramsey, P.E., Former SD7 SREC, Former Candidate for Congress

COPYRIGHT © 2024 Pol. Ad Paid for by Deborah Fite


COPYRIGHT © 2024 Pol. Ad Paid for by Deborah Fite


COPYRIGHT © 2024 Pol. Ad Paid for by Deborah Fite

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